Get your Everything DiSC® license and become a member of the biggest HR network in the world

Everything DiSC® Certification prepares practitioners to deliver engaging and impactful DiSC® learning experiences that help people work better together.

This holistic DiSC experience teaches the principles of Everything DiSC through a variety of applications and activities. The two-week immersive Certification experience combines live, instructor-led sessions with self-guided online learning.

For who?

Any manager, trainer, consultant or HR person, who would like to:

  • Deepen their understanding of the DiSC® model, theory, research, and key principles.
  • Explore how to build custom solutions and deliver impactful DiSC experiences using the new Everything DiSC® on Catalyst learning experience.
  • Familiarize themselves with the full Everything DiSC application suite.
  • Practice facilitation and coaching techniques while receiving feedback in a safe environment.
  • Gain ongoing access to Wiley’s online training center which includes course content and the ability to connect with fellow Practitioners and Wiley’s education specialists.
  • Get an internationally recognized certification and add credibility to your profile

Note: You will be trained by Everything DiSC, a Wiley brand’s trainers and staff using the latest blended learning techniques. Upon completion, you will officially become an Everything DiSC® Certified Practitioner.

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  • Increase confidence and expertise in delivering DiSC sessions in your organization or with your clients
  • Practice coaching and facilitating small groups with Everything DiSC
  • First-hand experience with the Everything DiSC Catalyst assessment and personalized profile results, including application to real-world scenarios
  • Explore how to navigate challenging scenarios that could arise during a workshop or coaching session
  • Develop strategies for keeping DiSC alive within an organization and creating a culture of DiSC with the Catalyst


  • Two weeks of learning combining live, instructor-led sessions with self-guided online learning.
  • The total time commitment is about 20 hours (10 hours/week).
  • Active participation in four live 120-minute virtual sessions (instructor-led)
  • During the live sessions, participants will learn from Wiley’s education experts, and will work with other practitioners to apply learning, practice coaching and facilitation, and receive feedback in a safe space.
  • Active knowledge checks to help understanding and improve learning and retention
  • Final Certification exam (self-directed/graded activity)


A Valuable Credential

Participants receive the Certified Everything DiSC Workplace Facilitator credential, backed by 40+ years of research-based assessment experience and 200+ years of publishing excellence. In addition, Wiley is a SHRM Recertification Provider, so participants are also eligible to earn 15 Personal Development Credits.

Depth of Knowledge

Participants learn from our Education Specialists to develop deeper knowledge and expertise in the Everything DiSC model, gain experience with the Everything DiSC Workplace assessment and profile results, and create strategies to navigate challenging scenarios that might arise in a workshop or coaching session.

Lasting Impact on Your Culture

The course goes beyond the Everything DiSC Workplace Facilitation Kit. It provides strategies to diagnose the specific needs of a group and customize the learning experience for maximum impact. The result is a more engaged, collaborative culture, knowledgeable in the language of DiSC.


Best Price Guarantee: 1990 € per participant

Must own or purchase the Everything DiSC Facilitation Kit for 990 EUR (when bundled with your registration).

DiSC certification does not carry any additional costs (eg annual fee, account fees, re-certification, etc.).

Future billing will only be for DiSC profiles based on the number of profiles used and the pricelist.


  • BONUS 1 – Your online EPIC account (a 250 EUR value)
  • BONUS 2 – Personalized Everything DiSC Workplace on Catalyst Profile (a 80 EUR value)
  • BONUS 3 – Products with partner prices (25% discount on retail prices)
  • BONUS 4 – Access to DiSC Knowledge Base platform for your free use
  • BONUS 5 – Continual free support and care by an Everything DiSC Authorized Partner


Virtual certifications take place monthly. Ask us about future dates. Courses fill up quickly. Please plan ahead and register early.


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