Games and Activities with DiSC Cards
Are you using DiSC® card games yet?
We want to bring your attention to the fact that there are three different DiSC card decks that you can use for several games, activities and exercises.
We highly recommend using these for creating a more interactive learning experience and for strengthening participants’ DiSC knowledge.
Here are the 3 different card decks which you can purchase from us:
1) DiSC® Dialogue card game
The DiSC® Dialogue is an entertaining card game that introduces learners to DiSC® and increases training effectiveness. You can play this game in five different ways (the rulebook comes with the package).
2) DiSC® Matrix card game
The DiSC® Matrix cards were developed as an exercise to challenge people to think about the differences between the four dimensions of DiSC. Through game and discussion, these cards enable us to go in-depth with DiSC. They are also meant to be used as a reinforcement of DiSC knowledge.
3) DiSC Group Culture card game
This game is meant to be played by groups, mostly real teams, who already have a basic knowledge of DiSC. The game goes together with the DiSC Group Culture Report.
You can purchase the digital version of all these DiSC card games in English for 95 EUR. The files come fully designed, ready to print and with instructions where you can read more about the rules of the game. Please contact us if you want to order the DIY card files of these games in English or ask for availability in other languages.
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